Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chip & Oat (Flour-Free) Cookies

Oat & Chip Cookies
1/2 C. Soft Butter (or margarine)
1 C. Peanut Butter
1 C. Sugar
1 C. Brown Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp.  Salt
1 Tbsp. Baking Soda
2 C. Peanut Butter or Chocolate Chips
6 C. Oats ( I use 6 Grain Rolled mis, or half oats, or all oats)

Chill dough in fridge for 2-3 days before baking for best results--it makes a huge difference in the texture of the cookies, though they are good right after mixing, they are kind of flat and chewy, and if you chill them it makes them more of a regular cookie texture.)
Mix all and bake at 375 for 8 minutes chewy and 10 minutes crispy.

This recipe came from my friend: Alyce Showell